qualified Naturopath | Functional Nutritionist | Medical Herbalist


Let’s get to the root of your health challenges, then support a gentle return to balance, so you can get on with living your BEST life!


How we Can work together:

  • Note encouraging individual to "stop wishing and start doing", encouraging sign-up for personalised coaching.

    1:1 Naturopathic Consultations

    When it comes to health there are so many (overwhelming) factors at play, holding you back from feeling “your best you”. Let’s work together to understand your unique situation, uncover your root causes, and to support you reaching optimal health and vitality.

    This is all about you - you get to tell your whole story, and really be heard. You are welcome to bring a support person. Check out your options, including various packages.

  • Three women representing a small group who may be interested in shared naturopathy health sessions.

    Small Group Programmes

    Whilst Naturopathy is a very individualised offering (looking at your specific needs), not everyone may be keen to do 1:1 Personalised Coaching, or would prefer to have the support of friends or family on their healing journey.

    If this is you, small group sessions are great, where you can encourage each other, to take on new behaviours as you learn. Research shows people are more likely to stick to their goals and maintain long-term behavioural changes than those trying to ‘go it alone. Check out the 12-week online course available here, and get your mates together.

  • Female and male showing gastrointestinal tracts, as suggestive of a 'gut health workshop'.

    Workplace Wellness Solutions

    These are perfectly aimed at supporting workplace wellness. Happy healthy staff are less often off sick, and show less ‘presentee-ism”. Workplaces have the opportunity to help prevent issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and other common preventable chronic diseases.

    These are also available to groups, including schools, or community groups.

    Browse the existing topics, or get in touch to suggest others. Knowledge is the first step in empowering yourself to make healthful changes. Private sessions for groups of 8 + available.


Hello, I’m Caro Uttley

I’m a Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist on the glorious Kapiti Coast. I’m passionate about supporting goals of optimal health & vitality, in all those prepared to commit to the journey. 

Don’t be scared …

the end goal is so worth it!!

Everyone is unique

You will be heard.  

My approach includes a healthful diet, moving your body, support to cope with life’s stressors, as well as using traditional herbal medicines, leading-edge supplements, and functional testing … depending on what your mind, body and spirit need.


 Let’s get you feeling abundant
in wellness


I support those struggling with any number of health concerns such as gut or immunity issues, cognitive concerns, autoimmunity, hormones, toxin overload, chronic diseases, pain, fatigue, healthy ageing, complex cases, and those sick of being told there is nothing wrong with them.


Are you ready to feel empowered to get back to optimal health & vitality ?

Health isn’t linear. Sometimes you need someone to dive deeper and support you on your journey.